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Kroger Campaign

Despite findings of forced labor in its supply chain, Kroger — which is on track to become the largest supermarket in the country — has remained steadfast in its silence. Join us in demanding Kroger take responsibility by joining the Fair Food Program.

  • In 2022, the notorious crewleader of Los Villatoros’ harvesting company, Bladimir Moreno, pleaded guilty to the federal charge of conspiracy to commit forced labor. Under Moreno, more than a dozen workers were held in forced labor, compelled to harvest fruits and vegetables that ended up on our kitchen tables.

    In a shocking revelation, the US Department of Labor named the supermarkets that profited from this abuse – and at the top of that list was Kroger, one of the country’s largest supermarkets. And horrifyingly, this isn’t even the first time Kroger’s supply chain was found to be tainted by forced labor.

    With the support of thousands of allies in Florida, CIW has worked diligently to sound the alarm about conditions in Kroger’s supply chain. Together as students and farmworkers, we have urged Kroger’s corporate leadership to do the right thing for over a decade. However, Kroger has yet to take responsibility for protecting farmworkers in its supply chain from modern slavery by joining the FFP.

1. Deliver a Letter to Your Local Kroger

If you shop at or live near a Kroger grocery store, you can download and print out the CIW’s letter and hand it to the manager of that store (locate your nearest store here). Want a digital version? You can also request a copy to be mailed to you from us by emailing workers@ciw-online.org with the subject line “Requesting Kroger Letter.” 


2. Call Kroger

Dial 1-800-576-4377 or click on this link to call Kroger. Then, use our script and speak from the heart to let Kroger know that it’s time to join the Fair Food Program!



3. Start a Live Chat with Kroger

Click “Launch Live Chat” at the link below and use our script to demand that Kroger join the Fair Food Program!



4. Send an Email to Kroger

Click the link below to easily email Kroger or send your own message to customerservice@kroger.com with the following suggested subject line: “It’s time for Kroger to join the Fair Food Program”.


5. Put @Krogerco on Blast

Take to social media to let @krogerco know you want them to join the Fair Food Program. Share CIW’s posts or comment on Kroger’s posts on Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly known as Twitter), and LinkedIn.


5 Ways to Take Action


Wendy's Boycott


Publix Campaign